Tuesday 6 November 2012

Koi Fishes for well wishes

A very wise lecturer of mine, Mr Dennis Hoh once told me that the Koi fish represents endurance, bravery and most significantly, the leap of one from an ordinary person to one that is successful and prosperous after going through a challenging hurdle- this lies in the Chinese tale of the humble Koi that leaps across the Dragon Gate and turning itself into a dragon.
    ( Image from : http://www.living-chinese-symbols.com/chinese-carp.html )

This came as such an encouragement as it reminds me that our aspirations will turn to reality and an advancement in life is always possible when we finally make that breakthrough. We have to swim swim swim upstream and jump as high as we can when we see our Dragon Gate.

Read more on the story of the Koi-Dragon transformation here: http://governmentgirl1943lp.typepad.com/blog/2011/11/idea-log-04112011.html


Koi Coloring Symbolism

The fish's coloring has something to do with its symbolism. Certain colors represent certain aspects or outcomes in life.
  • Kohaku - This koi has a white body with red spots and symbolizes success in your career.
  • Kumonryu - There are two main variations of this koi. One variation is a koi with a white body and black spots and the other is an all black body. This Kumonryu koi symbolizes life changes and transformations.
  • Ogon - This solid, silver colored koi symbolically represents success in business and wealth.
  • Kuchibeni - This white and red patterned koi is often referred to as the "lipstick" fish, because the red coloring around its mouth makes it appear as though the fish is wearing lipstick. Kuchibeni koi represents love and long lasting relationships.
  • Yamabuki - The Yamabuki koi is gold in coloring and symbolizes riches and wealth.

Here's the HeartMeltz version of this fish. When you present these as gifts to friends and family, remember to tell them the symbolic representation this fish carries.

   The first two HeartMeltz Koi Fishes - white chocolate shells and dark chocolate with  almonds on the insides.

    1 pc  : RM 8.00
    2 pcs : RM15.00 (they look balanced in a pair)

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